A deeper dive into a few samples of my work.

Devpendency Mobile App

  • Mobile productivity app with clean user interface and multiple features geared towards developers on-the-go
  • Dev Napkin: drawing pad to quickly sketch ideas. Options for color, tool weight, clear drawing, save drawing, see persisted saved drawings
  • Bookmarks: save helpful online resources in one place. Async Storage to persist bookmark collection, deep linking to open in user's default browser
  • Job App Tracker: save details of in-process job applications. Layered navigation for simple interface with option to view persisted details

Built with: React Native,, JavaScript, Async Storage, React Native Paper, Formik, Yup

Hover over images to see app demo

devpendency project image
devpendency project gif
devpendency project image
devpendency project gif
devpendency project image
devpendency project gif

Brain Bugs Command-Line Game

  • Command-line interface multiplayer trivia game with chat functionality between players
  • Source code includes backend to download and run locally but backend is also deployed on Heroku
  • Choose category room and once the question is answered correctly by either player, the next is served from MongoDB Atlas
  • Score-keeping, chat during game, end screen shows winner and instructions to return to CLI

Built with: JavaScript, Node.js, Express,, MongoDB Atlas, Blessed

Hover over images to see app demo

brain bugs project image
brain bugs project gif
brain bugs project image
brain bugs project gif

Gardener's Guide Responsive Web App

  • Responsive web app to search plants, receive information, save to personalized collection
  • Relational database normalization for unique user and persistent note-taking abilities
  • Create/Read/Update/Delete user-specific notes for each saved plant
  • Presents data from multiple RESTful API sources

Built with: JavaScript, SQL, HTML5, SMACSS, jQuery, Express, RESTful API, EJS

Hover over images to see app demo

gardener guide project image
gardener guide project gif
gardener guide project image
gardener guide project gif
gardener guide project image
gardener guide project gif

Coronavirus Challenge Responsive Web App

  • Interactive quiz challenge that seeks to educate the user on coronavirus in an engaging way
  • Utilizes local storage for unique user profile
  • DOM manipulation using a single HTML page to progress through multiple-choice quiz
  • Colorful feedback to user as their risk score increases
  • Results page that provides trusted resource links based on user score and user interests from homepage

Built with: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3

Hover over images to see app demo

coronavirus challenge project image
coronavirus challenge project gif
coronavirus challenge project image
coronavirus challenge project gif
coronavirus challenge project image
coronavirus challenge project gif