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Accomplished professional contributing to the software engineering industry

I offer an array of technical and interpersonal skills, a resolute work ethic, and an endless curiosity that feeds my excitement for the industry.

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A sampling of work showcasing the range of my full-stack abilities.

logo for Devpendency mobile app

Devpendency Mobile App

Mobile productivity app with multiple features geared towards developers.

Built with: React Native,, JavaScript, Async Storage, React Native Paper, Formik, Yup

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logo for Brain Bugs project app

Brain Bugs

Command-line interface multiplayer trivia game with chat abilities between players.

Built with: JavaScript, Node.js, Express,, MongoDB Atlas, Blessed

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logo for Gardeners Guide project app

Gardener's Guide

Responsive web app to search plants, receive information, save to personalized collection. Utilizes database normalization for unique user and persistent note-taking abilities.

Built with: JavaScript, SQL, HTML5, SMACSS, jQuery, Express, RESTful API, EJS

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logo for Coronavirus Challenge project app

Coronavirus Challenge

Interactive challenge that seeks to educate the user on coronavirus in an engaging way. DOM manipulation using a single HTML page to progress through multiple-choice quiz.

Built with: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3

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